Fifth Wheel & Gooseneck-

For Superior load distribution and maneuverability, nothing beats a gooseneck or fifth wheel hitch - from Eckhart, of course. With the load centered in your pickup's bed, you tighten your turning radius while shortening overall vehicle length. We offer fifth wheels that can handle up to 22,000 pounds, and goosenecks good for up to 30,000 pounds MGTW.

Lots of people can sell you a bed-mounted hitch, but count on Eckhart for the best, strongest and safest job. We custom-weld all rail-kits and under-bed brackets, eliminating the problems of loose (or worse, ripped out) bolts. We also offer fold-down goosenecks, interchangeable fifth wheels and goosenecks which use the same bed rails, and even special solutions for short-bed and extended-cab pickups.

Copyright 2008 Eckharts Trailer Hitch & Welding, Inc
Created By: Jeremy Designs